
  1. Download the Chrome Extension - here.
  2. Move through the Sign Up flow.
    1. NOTE: When you click to Sign Up / Sign In with Notion - you’ll be asked to Select a Page from your workspace. It doesn’t matter which page you select, but you need to select one. This is used only for Authentication purposes.
  3. When Sign Up finishes you’ll be taken to the Admin panel. Once in the Admin panel, click the Sync To Notion .
  4. During the Sync To Notion authentication flow:
    1. If this is your first time - click Duplicate Developer Template. This will create a ResearchPRO database in your Notion workspace, where all highlights, and bibliographies will sync to. ResearchPRO will always be tied to this database for a single Notion workspace.
    2. If you’re reintegrating - you may select the ResearchPRO page.
      1. NOTE: Selecting the ResearchPRO page won’t relink ResearchPRO to a specific database, it is purley for the Authenticaiton flow to finish. ResearchPRO will always be linked to the first duplicated template id in a worksapce.
  5. Have fun, collect notes and highlights, share it with your friends and give us feedback




Known Bugs and Limitations